
GrabFood Wins the Race Against Hunger

November 19, 2019

Dear Self:

You know how it is to be hungry.   You are not alone.  Everyone must have been hungry at one point in his life.  You feel lethargic.  Your stomach growls. You cannot concentrate on the task at hand.  You feel useless.  You just want to end it all.  Yes, go ahead!  What is life when one is hungry?  So, go and end it all.  It’s just one tap away.  Let it be quick and painless.

Do you have an app for that?

You eradicate hunger with a flick of your finger by downloading the Grab app on your Android phone. Then, you follow these easy steps:

1. Launch the Grab App and Select “Food” from the product selection menu at the top of the app. Okay ka pa ba?  Hindi ka pa naman naduduling sa gutom.

2.  Enter your delivery address.  Yung tamang address, please.  Focus muna, Sweetheart, para hindi malito ang bumabasa ng address mo at derecho agad diyan si GrabFood.

3.  Select your favorite restaurant.   Ah, undecided ka because you have many favorites.   Listen to your heart and ask the question, “What food will make me happy today?”  Inasal ng Nena’s Rose or Aida’s? The crablets of 21 Restaurant?  Sopa de nido ng Apollo Restaurant? Ang pizza ng Italia’s?  Okay, Sweetheart, ready na?  Finally!  Japanese food.  Very good.  I-click mo na ang L’Kaisei. Or Inaka. 

Nena’s Rose Chicken Inasal
The crablets of 21 Restaurant
Italia’s vegetarian pizza

4.  Select a meal and add “California Maki” to your basket.  O, ‘di ba? Parang nag-marketing ka lang so that fresh ang meal mo.  At nag-marketing ka na naka-daster lang.  Ha, ha, ha!  Ang tamad-tamad mo, Self. Hindi ka pa nag-susuklay. Chaka.

5.  Complete the order and get ready to enjoy your meal.  Of course, darling, you gotta have patience. Wait for the friendly GrabFood delivery guy to bring you your goodies parang sa restaurant na we wait for the waiter to bring us our orders.  But unlike in a restaurant, we pay before we eat — upon delivery.  So, don’t forget to pay so that ma-savor mo naman ang food mo with a clear conscience.   Or, you might choke on your food.  Merese.  And give the nice guy a tip, ha?

Bon Appetit with GrabFood!

When you sink your teeth into that yummy California maki delivered from L’Kaisei, you regret not ordering more.  Aaaawwww….you should have.  With GrabFood, there is no minimum order, but why settle for less when you can have more?  (Anyway, ang takaw mo naman ever since bakit nahiya ka ngayon? GrabFood keeps your orders a secret. )

There’s a wide selection to choose from.  And all those irresistible goodies offered by GrabFood merchant-partners in Bacolod including established international brands such as McDonald’s, Jollibee, Chowking, Greenwich, Burger King and Red Ribbon!!  Haaayyy…to think that Bacolod has really good food that can be brought to you so conveniently and easily to where you are by the largest delivery fleet in Southeast Asia.

Wait! There’s More!

Dear Self:

Sa sobrang gutom mo, you forgot to order dessert.  Susmaryosep.  Ang tanga mo when you know that GrabFood can bring you the famous pastries and desserts that Bacolod is known for.  El Ideal, Clara’s, Virgie’s, and Roli’s and Quan for traditional Negrense goodies.  The cakes  of Felicia’s, Miren, Quino’s …The dishes of Delicioso, Fresh Start, and Cozy Nook.   And, ‘di ba, you are going to Cebu next week?  Magpa-deliver ka na ng goodies from Merzci Pasalubong and Bongbong’s, ha? Mind-boggling ang choices, Sweetheart. 

Quan’s native delicacies
The French macarons of Felicia’s
Merzci Pasalubong’s macapuno tarts

Note to Friends:

GrabFood Bacolod is the 35th location in the Philippines with a growing list of merchant-partners to serve the Bacolenos. Would you want to be a merchant-partner and end world hunger? But if you prefer to be on the receiving end (kasi matakaw ka) GrabFood has no problem with that. GrabFood is happy to feed you! Winner ang GrabFood in this race against hunger. And world peace.

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